Green Meadows Pool has been an enduring fixture in the southeast Springfield community since 1962. It has brought joy and play to many families, couples and individuals over the years and retains much of its original charm, even today. In addition to sun, shade, the snack shack, pool parties, water aerobics, and swim team, the Green Meadows spirit shines through in the family atmosphere we strive to cultivate. Here are some important things to know:
You can stay in the loop by checking the events calendar on our homepage and joining our Facebook group to get the latest info.
GMP is committed to water safety and has certified lifeguards on duty at all times that children are in the pool.
GMP is a community pool that is run by volunteer board members. If you are interested in serving future terms, please catch a current member poolside (listed below).
We hope you will join us this summer and many more. Create your family memories and connect with the neighborhood community at the Green Meadows Pool!
Andrea LaBine | President Karen Hayden | Vice President